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15th European Wildlife Disease Conference

9—13 September 2024, Stralsund, Germany

Abstract Submission

Important Dates and Deadlines

Call for abstracts opens: 9 November 2024
Abstract submission closes: 29 February 2024
Accepted presenters are notified by: 15 April 2024


NOTE: Abstract submission and conference registration are two individual processes. Registration is not required to submit an abstract. However, accepted presenters (both oral and poster) need to register by 30 April 2024, otherwise the Scientific Committee will assume that they are not able to attend the conference and will find a replacement, i.e. in-presence attendance is required for accepted presenters (both oral and poster).

Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission for the 15th EWDA Scientific Conference addressing

“One Health – Challenges and Opportunities for the Surveillance and Management of Wildlife”

is now CLOSED. The reviewer process has begun.

The Scientific Committee gratefully acknowledges the submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations on the following conference topics:

  • Wildlife-Livestock-Human Interface: One Health, ecosystem health and disease surveillance
  • Disease ecology, emerging and re-emerging wildlife diseases
  • Wildlife population health and management, conservation and policy
  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Impact of climate change and urbanization
  • Prevention and pandemic preparedness
  • Non-communicable diseases in wildlife
  • Aquatic animal health
  • Sustainability* in wildlife health/One Health
  • Other topics related to wildlife health/diseases

*Definition “sustainability”: Sustainability is a complex term with multiple dimensions (social, economic, environmental), generally discussed in terms of meeting the needs and aspirations of the current generation without compromising those of future generations. Sustainable use is defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity since 1992 as “the use of components of biological diversity in a way and at a rate that does not lead to the long-term decline of biological diversity, thereby maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations.” The 2022 IPBES Sustainable Use Assessment notes that sustainable use is also an outcome of social-ecological systems that aim to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functions in the long term, while contributing to human well-being. It is a dynamic process as wild species, the ecosystems that support them and the social systems within which uses occur, change over time and space. This assessment notes the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainability as identified by the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and its Sustainable Development Goals.” Link: https://www.ipbes.net/glossary-tag/sustainable-use

Abstracts can no longer be submitted via Oxford Abstracts, only amended.

Instructions and guidelines on how to make a submission are available here:


Abstract Guidelines

  • Abstract structure should include:
  1. Background or context
  2. Hypothesis or objectives
  3. Materials and methods
  4. Results
  5. Conclusions
  • Abstract length is limited to 400 words (title not included).
  • Please add ALL authors in the order you wish them to appear in the abstract book.
  • Please identify the presenting author by ticking the case “presenting”.  
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English with a quality of spelling and grammar suitable for publication.
  • Abstracts will be evaluated on the basis of scientific input and compliance with the abstract guidelines. 
  • Immediately after submission of your abstract, Oxford Abstract will send you and your co-authors an e-mail to confirm receipt of the abstract. This e-mail will come from EWDA2024 ‹no-reply@oxfordabstracts.com›. Please check your junk folder if a confirmation is not received. You will be able to log back into Oxford Abstract and amend your abstract up until the abstract submission deadline. To do so, please use the link in the confirmation e-mail. Please verify if your abstract submission is indicated to be “complete”.

Student Awards Competition

  • “Student” definition: all persons enrolled in a university or residency program at the time of abstract submission/registration.
  • EWDA membership is not mandatory to take part in the student awards competition.
  • EWDA non-member students/residents need to upload a proof of eligibility (e.g. university/residency program enrollment)
  • Be sure to indicate at the end of your abstract submission whether you would like to take part or not in the student award competition.